We Gotta Get This Forum Goin!


Pat Smith

TVWBB Wizard
OK Weber Q'ers - this part of the forum has been kinda dead lately - we gotta get things going here!

I've been cooking a lot on my Weber Q 220 - about once a week (I have other Webers that I have to work into the rotation as well) - but I haven't been very good about posting pictures of my cooks, so to catch up, here are some pics of some of my recent cooks on my Weber Q 220 (its a RED head!)

Pork Chops on the Weber Q - I like to let the grill run at high temp for about 5 minutes after it gets heated up so the cast iron grate gets hot throughout and gives me these great grill marks:

Chicken and Steak Fajitas - the steak was being warmed up from the night before, but boneless, skinless chicken breasts had been marinated in Mojo marinade for a few hours. The tortillas went on the Weber Q to be warmed up, too, but I was too hungry to take a picture of that:

I cooked some more boneless skinless this week that had been marinated in Dales marinade - kind of a salty, briny soy sauce, Wochestershire-ish marinade - again, too hungry to take pictures!

Come on guys - don't be like me - take pictures of the cooks and let's see what you're doing with your Q's.

I think I will do Cedar Planked fish this week - whatever looks good and fresh at the fish market!

looks good. red heads turn out the best food. i havn't done much lately as its to hot for me. maybe i'll warm something up tonight.
I tell you what Pat, the Q does something special to pork chops, I prefer the way they come off my Q as opposed to my kettle for chops. I don't do anything to them special,just S&P. But the Q puts such an awesome sear it just super-charges the flavor.
I agree Ken. Those were the first pork chops I cooked on the Q, then, when my family left earlier than I did for vacation, I cooked two big thick loin chops on the Q with some salt/pepper/garlic mix and like you said, the flavor and the sear were off the charts. The Q definitely is my chop grillin grill!

Good looking grub Pat & Ken!

Guess it's time to fire up my new red 220.
She can't stay a virgin forever!

Just hate to get those first stains under the hood.

Maybe I'll do burgers with some Pilleteri's seasoning on them.
Heck, I'll even post pics, if I ever figure out which Photobucket url will work.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">OK Weber Q'ers - this part of the forum has been kinda dead lately - we gotta get things going here! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes Pat I agree and I appologise that I haven't been that active. I have been busy grilling and barbecuing on all my toys trying to get the practice in for the Aussie BBQ season and my demonstrating gig. I have been concentrating on the basics and what new users would need to know, but I still need to practice on the more complicated and other methods. It is surprising how much effort and preparation is required to demonstrate barbecues and barbecue cooking effectively. Not only do you need to be able to cook a wide range of common dishes to varying degrees of doneness and know when they are done, you also need to be able to explain the BBQ and the cooking methods whilst keeping focused on the cooking. When you have a kettle, a Q300 and a Genesis all going at the same time with different dishes on each it becomes quite a juggling act. When you have mastered that part, try closing the sales as well. Luckily where I demonstrated last year the store has great salespeople who look after the customers better that anywhere else I have been, and they can barbecue extremely well. This makes it much easier for me and the customers keep coming back and recommending the store and Weber to all their friends. I hope to have some more posts later when time is available.

Bob - Its the last URL on the list of 4 at photobucket - I think it is the img file.

I have to open the picture in full size, then copy the URL and past it in the post composition window.

There is a better way to do it, I'm sure, but this seems to be the only way I can get it to work.

And don't worry about getting that red head dirty - they clean up pretty easily, especially under the hood. Cleaning the bowl can be a little bit of a challenge. I'm looking for just the right brush to use for that.

Phil- sounds like you have your hands full. Shoot some videos for your Yank friends here in the States so we can see you do your thing!

Hi Pat,

I own a Q120 & a Q220 (120 will be sold on ebay soon)and the method i use to clean out the bottom part of the grill is to buy a cheap plastic spatula like you might use for icing a cake but make sure it's a harder plastic one and not a rubber type as the rubber type doesn't have enough strength and they tend to bend too much.

Just give it a good light scraping inside with the plastic spatula till all the loose stuff has fallen into the drip pan.
Discard drip pan and then give the grill bowl a good thorough hosing and with a brush just brush it as you rinse till you're clean to satisfaction.
I don't get too pedantic with it and clean it till most of the gunk is gone.
Turn upside down for a few minutes to give the gas tube a chance to drain in case any water entered(it won't hurt it)then reconnect to gas,turn it on and light it.
Now,heres where you got to be a little careful,if it doesn't light with the first few hits with the onboard lighter button,turn the grill to off to give that gas a chance to escape,so maybe you might like to light it up with a match or a gas ligher this time to get it going.Once the part of the tube catches fire, just let it run it's course and eventually it'll be lit all around as it dries out.
I give my Weber Q's a hit with a high pressure water cleaner about twice a year and have never had any issues.Just remember if it doesn't light up first go, turn off the gas knob for a minute and try again till lit because if you let the gas go unlit too long, you could end up with no eyebrows or worse.



