Water or no water?

I'm a big believer in learning to use your cooker the way it was designed to be used before you go off doing mods or using a pizza stone or sand in a foiled pan. Use water the first few cooks, learn how to control your temps. See for yourself if water has any advantages or disadvantages to what you are cooking. After the the first few cooks, when you get comfortable using your cooker, try going waterless, foil the pan and learn to control your temps without water, notice any difference in your finished product?

By the way, I don't use water, I just foil the empty pan, but I started out using water, and I never say never that I won't use it again just for the heck of it.
I suppose You are speacking of WSM (I don't know wich model). IMO, you should remove water pan and put inside a foiled pizza stone .if you like some water put it in the drip pan just over the pizza stone or in a pot over the meat grate.
Pizza stone will help you with its termal mass to steady cooking T.
My 22 WSM cooks always @250F super steady.

I do the same as Enrico. I have an 18.5 and using a pizza stone I can hold my temps steady.

