water bowl, sand or clay.....

" How much sand would be used in place of the water?"

I believe I read a few posts on the older 18.5" where the sand was about 2" lower than the top of the bowl.

any suggestion on combination of flower pot bottom and sand? I smoked a brisket yesterday, now I have a mess to clean today, the foil is looking really good now...
another question, how do I tell which model of 22.5 smoker I have, I've seen other post with DA and some others letter id's. I can't remember what else they are. I got it from Amazon Sept. 1.
Do you mean the 2 letter code stamped into the top vent?
If you follow that it will tell you the year you're WSM was made.
As far as combing sand and a saucer, that should work. I haven't used the sand, but read that if your foil leaks, the drippings will turn the sand into almost a concrete.
I dunno, never tried it meself.

I've been using sand and am seriously thinking about stopping. I've been having a heck of a time trying to keep my temps stable after about 3hrs so I asked a simular question on another forum and here was the reply they gave.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Sand is what we use in ECB's to increase the heat. It will initially absorb the heat and act as a shield but will soon radiate the heat back throughout the unit. With water in a pan I can get 250 in an ECB. With sand in the pan I can reach 450.
which tells me it could be hard to hold a temp when you don't know how much heat was absorbed by the sand to begin with.I don't want to use water either but I will if thats the only way.
So now I have to ask if those of you who foil only, how hard is it to maintain low temps around 225-250?
I forgot to say that my water bowl is filled a little more than half way with sand so it's about 2" from the top something like that.Maybe if I used about half of that it may work a little better.
Thanks Tim and Don for the reply. my temp still wants to run high even after I shut vents, I think I have leaks.... will try a thin bead of high temp silicone around the bottom and top rings and the front access hatch. temps running from 230-245. I'm also looking for a better temp gauge on top. any suggestions.
I've wondered about a better lid therm myself but because I have a Maverick ET-73 I run by grate temps,it comes with a dual probe so you can monitor meat and cooking temp. I'd look into the thread in the mods section by D ARITA titled nomex tape seal about sealing the sections, he has a pretty good fix there.
read it. looks alot better than silicone. I have 2 meat thermos to monitor meat, I'd just like to have a more accurate air temp reading.
Originally posted by Don Reed:
So now I have to ask if those of you who foil only, how hard is it to maintain low temps around 225-250?

I use an empty foiled pan w/ an airspace because I like to run on the upside of 275. For 250 or lower I would use my clay saucer. The saucer sits up off the bottom of the pan which also gives you an air-space plus a heat sink. Sand on the other hand fills the bottom and comes in direct contact with the heat.
I like to temp @ the top vent with a 6" turkey fryer therm clipped into one of the vent holes.

I used to use sand but go empty with foil. I don't think there is any benefit either way. If you start closing you vents down at say 225, you will typically settle in about 250-275 and it will stay there all night. At least that is what I've found on mine (MMV). I've never tried a clay saucer becuase believe it or not I haven't run into one big enough for the 22.5" in my area. If I ever find one I'll give it a try.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Scott Dace:
I used to use sand but go empty with foil. I don't think there is any benefit either way. If you start closing you vents down at say 225, you will typically settle in about 250-275 and it will stay there all night. At least that is what I've found on mine (MMV). I've never tried a clay saucer becuase believe it or not I haven't run into one big enough for the 22.5" in my area. If I ever find one I'll give it a try. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lowe's has one for about $15. I believe, but don't quote me, it is 17". 16-17. Maybe I will remember to measure tonight, but not likely.

