Warming up 30lbs of pulled pork


Kevin Skachenko

New member
I'm doing a banquet for around 50 people and I have about 30 pounds of pulled pork done and vac packed, now I am wondering what is the best way to heat it back up. I have done smaller batches by throwing the whole bag into boiling water, I have 6 gallon size bags to warm up. Would it dry out if I would put it into 2 foil pans and cover and bring up to temp in the oven or should I use my turkey frying and do them with boiling water, thanks.
I hope (since there are only 6 bags) you cooled before packing.

You can use foil pans but I'd likely use 3 or 4, depending on their size. Best is the pans aren't full. Anyway, mix some finishing sauce in (or use apple juice, cider vin, a combo) just to moisten, cover, then stick in a 300-325 oven. Stir once after 25 min or so then every 10 thereafter till just hot, i.e., serving temp. Things dry out if they are over-reheated. Take it to serving temp and you'll be fine.

