Tim Paschal
New member
Kingsford original $8.98/36 pounds.
I'm just happy my local Walmart is carrying Kingsford Comp!
I'm I the only one who uses lump?
No, you have plenty of company. KBB is just so readily available and consistent that it remains very popular. Not much else out there at 25 cents/lb.
OGlenn ,your right about being readily available and consistent,but i too use lump and stocked up on it too when walmart had the 17.6lb bags for $8.ea
I'm with you Jay as I prefer lump, but KBB is fine too. Over the past week I've seen Cowboy lump on clearance in a couple of Lowes for a bit less per pound than the RO lump. One had the 8.8lb bags for $3.19, the other for $3.98. Obviously YMMV.
I used to use lump but was getting unhappy with too many small bits that fall right through the charcoal grate. I like Kingsford comp because it burns like lump with nice consistent briquet size. Walmart online has free ship to store if you order it.