Wal Mart brand charcoal????


Hunter Lewis

TVWBB Member
Just curious if anybody has had good (or bad) luck with wall mart brand charcoal briquettes. They say they are bigger so im curious how they stack up against kingsford.

Thanks guys,

Smokin in Superior

Hunter Lewis
I tried them a few times about a year ago.

From what I remember, they WERE bigger, but didn't neccessarily last longer.

I went back to Kingsford because I was overall dissatisfied.
Kingsford really is the most consistent product on the market. Lump/hardwood has a place in BBQ, but for long cooks you can't beat Kingsford for a steady/even burn.
I actually have a bag of the Wal-mart charcoal sitting on my deck. I used it to start my mini-weber....it's a good charcoal to cook a steak, chicken...hell, anything that you're grilling relatively quickly. I'll second what the others have said though. Kingsford is very consistant for me. If I'm not using Lump, it's the only charcoal I seem to use for smoking.
I was a huge fan of lump but eveyone is right you cant beat the consistency of Kinsford. Also I am sure it wouldnt hurt to mix a little in with the good stuff.
Geesh! I don't know why all the Lump slamming on a long cook? I fill the ring up with Lump which = 8 - 9 lbs of lump and i get 20 + hrs without refueling. Seems pretty consistant to me. I do use Kingsford to light the Lump using the MM though.
I went back to Kingsford after using lump all last year. Mainly because of the cost and the convenince of being able to get the Kingsford everywhere.

But after two cooks I got tired of the acrid odor and the mountain of ash to dump and went back to lump. The lump has a really nice odor when burning. I always use Guru and Minion, I have cooked two butts (16 hours) and three racks of BB's (5 hours) on two separate cooks. And there is still several chunks of lump left.

I just shook the ring to get the ash off and expose the un-used lump, fired up the chimney with a dozen briquetts, dumped them on the lump and smoked away.

I am using "Wicked Good Lump" and don't think I will ever go back to Kingsford.

Tried the Walmart brand once, and that's just because my wife bought it because it was cheaper than Kingsford. My limited experience with it was this: It burned faster yet many of the coals didn't even burn halfway through when it went out. So for me, I'll stick with Kingsford. You always know what your getting with it.

Whoever is having ash problems just suck it up with your wet/dry vac. At night switch it to blower mode and disperse it into your neighbors yard
I've been told that it is made for WalMart by Royal Oak, but I don't know that for a fact. I have tried it twice, and there were no problems with it per se, but it did burn quicker. Where I am, it is about 40% less $$ than Kingsford. Give it a try and see what you think.

