Vintage Genesis 3000 - What's it worth?


Jon G

New member
Hi Folks,

After 22+ years of faithful and outstanding service it’s time to retire my Genesis 3000 grill. I’m already feeling like I’m losing an old friend, but, I must admit the Genesis II SE-335 is quite the cook in its own right.

I’d like to sell the old girl to offset some of the expense of her replacement and would appreciate an honest appraisal from those with more experience in this market than I.

She’s still cooking great, but requires an igniter and lid thermometer to be 100% complete. Flavorizer bars are going but still serviceable. I purchased an additional side table for when the side grill is not installed (usually) and the cooking grills are Summit 9mm SS. The regulator, hose, catch pan holder and catch pan were replaced last year.

So, if you can, give her the once over and let me know what’s a fair asking price to get her a new home.

Thanks - J
Why are you letting it go? It's still a better and more versatile grill than anything new they're making. Some cleaning and few parts and it'll be going long after that new one is in the scrap heap
Me either! I hunted for years to find a Redhead 3000 and it was in half the shape of that one.
But if you like your SE-335 better, Go for it.
It depends on where you live and how big of a hurry you are to sell it. Do you have a price in mind?
Why are you letting it go? It's still a better and more versatile grill than anything new they're making. Some cleaning and few parts and it'll be going long after that new one is in the scrap heap
I agree 100%! I'd never sell that grill.

I hear ya, and typically I would be the guy to hold on to it and keep in running just because I can, and no, they don't build them like this anymore and never will again.

That being said, I'm trying to simplify things going forward and with two kettles and a smokey mountain, space is getting to be a premium. I will admit I'm a more than a little disappointed in the space provided in the new Genesis for using a rotisserie :mad:
Yah, I want to caution you to reconsider getting a new grill. That is a great grill and if you are looking to rotisserie, you definitely need to reconsider getting rid of it. Rotisserie with the E/W burners is sooooo much more effective than a grill with N/S burners.

But, if you really want to sell that grill, I will tell you that the grates alone are worth at least $100 even used. I guess you could get $200 for it as it sits fairly easy. A thermometer and igniter is only about $25 total.
Yeah rotisserie on a N/S burner grill is a waste of time. All that happens is you overcook the ends of your protein by the time the center is cooked. I know, I tried when I bought my Summit. The big draw for me on it was my Genesis rotisserie would fit. Well I tried (REALLY tried) to like it so I could sell the Genesis. I could never get "spinning" to work. In the end I kept my Genesis as well (much to the chagrin of my wife). Honestly it was a HUGE disappointment in so many ways and it's now the grill that will most likely end up scrapped, while a Genesis 2000 is used almost daily on my deck
Check your local ads and see what people are asking. Where I live in this condition maybe $50 to $100. In full blown restoration maybe $200 to 300. They sell better in some areas of the US and are not sought after in other parts of the country. I stopped restoring because here people don’t want the old ones any longer.
As in real estate, it's all about location, and knowing the market in your area. If you are not in a hurry, you can set your price high and come down in price as time goes by. At $200 or above, I think you will need to find a buyer that appreciates vintage Webers and the intrinsic value of Summit grates.
Thanks for all the excellent feedback everybody, certainly a lot to consider.

I'm not in in a hurry either way, so maybe I'll just chill for a while.

I did have an interesting thought though, has anyone ever modified one of these older grills into a "performer" as I do have a 22" master touch kettle that would make an excellent transplant.
That exact grill (with the side table rather than the burner) would pretty much be my white whale. Redhead, 13 bar cookbox, and all that wood.

Fully restored, I'd pay $500 no problem.

Not fully restored, maybe $175.
Dang Jim. I wish I was closer. Get a hold of Dave in KC. He is MUCH closer and maybe you guys can work something out.
Im working on a gorgeous blue one for $500......its gunna be a stunner!!! Virginia isnt that far away!!! I have relatives in CO....does that help? Fort Collins....
To the poster......awesome the grates.....could be gorgeous with just a lil elbow grease....shes a classic....dont let her goooooooooooo
Oh just read Bruce's post have a pro right there in KC go get yer whale man!

