Viewing attachment pictures on mobile phone


Kyle in Woodstock

Whenever I see a post that has a picture, I click on the picture and it expands the photo, but I'm unable to zoom in or zoom out. I have to hit the back button which takes me out of the post all-together.
Is it just me or does this happen to others?
It may be the photo itself and how it was posted. Not really sure though as for the most part I avoid using my mobile phone for this type of thing. Even though I have a very premium top of the line one still rather use a puter. Mobile web browsing and how well the coding of the site works is still in it's infancy. No one seems to agree on the standards between browsers yet.
iOS or Android?

On my iPhone, when I tap on a photo, I get the same functionality as on the desktop browser. The photo opens in a viewer with icons at the top for zoom, open in new browser window, download, and close. The icons display briefly then disappear. Touch the photo again and the icons reappear.

In the viewer, you can only zoom in and then back out. You can't pinch and zoom in a fluid motion. When I double-tap the photo, it's as if I clicked the zoom icon and I either zoom in or out of the photo. A single tap with thumb and index finger does the same thing.

To exit the viewer, I tap the photo with one finger which brings up the icons and I tap "X" to close. That takes me back to the post I was viewing.
Works fine using my work iPhone, but this is what it looks like using Chrome on my Android.

It won't let me zoom in or out and no X icon in top right like it does on iPhone

This works in iOS:

When you tap the attachment it opens with a black background. A menu bar briefly appears across the top. If you tap on the photo, the menu bar will reappear. Tap the button that looks like a square with an arrow coming out at an angle to the right and up. The pic will now be in its own window and you can pinch zoom in and out with your fingers.

Hope this helps.
Yep Mike you figured it out, just tried it myself. Thanks Kyle for being up the issue, thanks Mike for for figuring out the solution, and thank you Chris for give us the place to do it all!

