Using Smokenator 1000 for just about 2 yrs. now - Santa is bringing WSM 22.5" ...

Using Smokenator 1000 for just about 2 yrs. now - Santa is bringing WSM 22.5" ...

The Smokentor 1000 has been wonderful! I've used it on both of my Webers a lot over the past couple of years along with the rotisserie, & Rib-O-Lator. Smoking has been a blast! And, I can honestly say that I have had no real disappointments with the Smokentor.

I even smoked 2 large turkey breasts on Thanksgiving with ambient temperature beginning at 20 degrees. Awesome results! (220 degrees for 4 hrs. 50 min. w/ applewood chunks)
I have been set on buying the WSM for a couple of months now, especially after reading so many great reviews, and discovering this fantastic site.

One of the questions I have is; are the new WSM's being purchased through our Amazon link including the new thermometer grommet? I know, I want that. I'll need to decide on a good thermometer, as well.
I use a Maverick Rotisserie Thermometer when using the rotisserie. The first became defective after a couple of uses. But; the seller replaced it for me.

The big question.... Besides more surface area, and the ability to never remove the lid, will the results really be better with a WSM than my Smokenator?

I can certainly use more room on some occasions. Something else that I realize too, is that the WSM can hold much more charcoal than the Smokenator is capable of. I am on a small BBQ team, & I will take my Performer to cook ribs, chicken, dessert, & entertain with the ROL, while one of my teammates brings his bigger trailer-grill.
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Some have gotten the newer units with the grommet and others have gotten it without. I don't know that the results will be any better than with the Smokenator,but you will love it. Let us know when you get it and do the first smoke on it.
I started with the smokenator and still have it BUT the WSM is so much better in the end and for long cooks. You no longer will have to keep adding a few extra pieces to keep the heat going over longer times. You will have 2x the smoking space on the racks and the temp control is much easier on the WSM. I just think its much easier control with the WSM.

I think Amazon is getting much more of the new ones in but you still hear of a older model being shipped. Even if you get a older body you could exchange it or mod it with probe port or notch.
Let us know when you get it and you will see the bonuses of it over the smokenator. :) Still keep the smokenator for smaller cooks though and I still use it for small pork loins.
You will definitely notice a difference in the ease of use. After you get it well seasoned with a few cooks that wsm locks in on a set temp and runs all night. Love mine.
Greg, in short, (IMO) the results are highly dependent on your cooking abilities.

I started cooking with the coals on the side of a Kettle about 30 years ago, moved to a WSM (18 and later a 22) a few years ago, but lately I have migrating back to a Kettle.

Up until recently I would have agreed that a WSM is easier to use than a Kettle, but recent techniques (snake and basket) have narrowed the gap. I can use either a WSM or Kettle for low and slow for 8-10+ hours.

For me, the main difference is a WSM has more grill space, but with your Rotisserie (as a Stacker) and your Performer you can fit in 6-8 pork butts or at least 2 briskets. With a 22.5 WSM you can fit 3 briskets by adding a middle rack.

Perhaps initially a WSM is more of a no brainer while a Kettle takes some practice to get similar cook times and ease of use, but once one gets the practice in, the ease of use equals out. For me, the question would be how much I need or want to cook, and then get what I need/want to fill, those needs.

This link has my recent cook on a 18.5 Kettle where I got 10+ hours on one load and I'll be using a 22.5 Kettle for 2 pork butts this Tuesday while at work where I expect similar performance.
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Thanks for the replies everyone! Much appreciated!
Yesterday, I went forward, and ordered the WSM 22.5 along with a Maverick ET-733 w/Bear Claws.
I decided it was for the best, considering I will also be using it for competition, as well. Do I really, really, need it? Maybe not.... But; I've been rather set on it.

I think, I will mount casters on the legs. It looks like the simplest, & least expensive solution to roll it around as needed on my patio. Very nice that many mobile solutions are posted here. :)

John: I'm impressed with what you have done! I had never really thought about removing the charcoal grate, and being that inventive! Very nice. I checked out your link, as well.
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I wouldn't worry about whether your new WSM has the grommet or not. In my humble opinion, the "slot" is much easier to use. That's what I cut on both my WSM and my Mini-Joe Gold.

This 'slot' I have seen mentioned; is it just a matter of determining a place to cut, & cut away? Yikes!! Cutting on a brand new $400 smoker doesn't sound too appetizing to me! Lol! :)

I wouldn't worry about whether your new WSM has the grommet or not. In my humble opinion, the "slot" is much easier to use. That's what I cut on both my WSM and my Mini-Joe Gold.

This 'slot' I have seen mentioned; is it just a matter of determining a place to cut, & cut away? Yikes!! Cutting on a brand new $400 smoker doesn't sound too appetizing to me! Lol! :)

Meh, it ain't nuthin' but a thing. lol
I took the grinder to my 22 WSM and just recently, after using it one time, to my 18" WSM also. If my 26'er needed probes, you can bet I'd grab the grinder again. :D In full disclosure, I've had a hands-get-dirty job my entire life so working with tools isn't second nature - it's first nature. Some guys won't be as comfortable so the grommet is a good solution. I prefer the notch and I'd do the same thing even if I had a '14 model. But that's just me.
Nothing much really to add to this post except to say I agree with the notch on the WSM over the grommet and one other thing, as I understand it the new models also have handles on the lower cooking grate which is an advantage however they are an easy mod. too. Like Chad says all depends on how handy you are.

