Using Lump in a WSM 22.5


Mike K

New member
Any wisdom / sage advice anyone could offer me in using lump in my 22.5 WSM? Other than packing the lump as close as possible... I already know from expereince on other types of smokers that lump tends to burn hotter and faster than most briquettes... Should I expect on a long cook to need to add additional lump? If so, do I want to light it in a chimney first before adding to the charcoal ring? Do you see a lot of temp "spikes" when using lump in a WSM? Would anyone advise using a combo of briquettes & lump to minimize the "spikes"... I also plan on using a Guru as well to help manage temp control... Any other thoughts on a WSM / lump / Guru combination?


You're right about packing in the lump, although don't go crazy with it - some people talk about it like they're building a stone wall or something, just do what you can with it. Lump burns hotter if there's plenty of oxygen, which there won't be because it's a smoker. It's possible your vent settings will be a bit tighter than otherwise but you'll figure that out easily enough.

I've never had to do a cook over around 13-14 hours and if I start with a reasonably dense charcoal like Wicked Good I have plenty left over, and if I start with a less dense one like Royal Oak I've had to add even to get that far. I try to avoid the issue but I'd say if you catch it early just throw it in unlit, and if you don't it's faster to get at least some going in the chimney first.

I don't see spikes, which invalidates your next question. I do tend to use water as cheap insurance if I'm cooking under 260.

I don't have a Guru but in theory it should just take care of everything - it doesn't know what's burning, it just looks at the temp and adjusts the fan as necessary. It might settle on some different settings but you'll never know.
Just do a test run and u will se the difference,here in sweden we get 10kg/5kg lump-briquettes same price. never tryed lump in a long time maby time to try and se if i can even lower my costs.

Update this if u try it before i do

I use lump with a Stoker in my 18.5 inch WSM. Doug is right, you don't have to place the lump like a game of Tetris. I pour the ring full, then just push it all toward one side, which packs it tightly enough while creating a hole to pour in the lit coals for a Minion Method start (on the side where the Stoker's air comes in). If I have to add more lump toward the end of the cook, I lift off the middle section, push the remaining lit coals in the opposite direction (that is, back toward the air inlet) and dump the unlit lump beside and behind it, recreating the arrangement I had when I first fired up the WSM. This works well for me.

