Using Both Racks for 2 Different Meats


Daniel C

New member
Hi, love the forum!

I have an 18" WSM, cooking for some church young adults coming over, about 30-40 people. Planning on making a 15 pound brisket, and about 16 pounds of pulled pork (boneless pork butt from Costco). My question is, which would you put on the top grate v. bottom grate? Also, any tips for cook times? I've made both separately, but wondering if having that much meat will significantly extend cook time. Thanks!
My approach in this situation has alway been to put the brisket on the top rack. However you can do it either way. My reason had (past tense) to do with my daughters ex husband being Jewish and not wanting the pork to drip on the brisket. He didn't really care but I just wanted to respect his beliefs. As for cooking times, each piece of meat will cook in its own time. There are many other variables to consider. I just always make sure I have a lot extra time and keep the finished product in a cooler covered in thick towels until ready to serve. Good luck and enjoy the event. If you want, you can cook the pork but ahead of time and rehead it on the day of the event. Less stress on the day of the event that way.
I always put the butts on top when cooking brisket. The butts will be done sooner and it will be a pain to get to them on the bottom.
from a food safety point of view I'm not sure I'd want the raw pork dripping on the brisket, but it probably doesn't matter anyway!
What tastes better?
Pork fat drippings on beef or beef fat rendering on pork?

I'd go with the butts on top.

