Uses for bacon rind



So now that I'm curing and smoking my own bacon while simultaneously expanding my waistline, I am amassing a glut of smoked bacon rinds. All I've heard anyone say to use them for is "flavor soups with them."

I'm asking for specifics: What can I use these rinds for?

If this needs to be moved to the recipe forum, let me know...
Any soup that would benefit from bacon/smoky flavor - potato soup, bean stew, beef stew, etc. Just toss the rind in there and let it simmer with the stew. It's like a bacon flavored bay leaf.
Pretty much any cooking where you would use bacon or smoked pork products, like smoked hocks, for flavoring. I cut the skin into 2x2" squares and froze them. I've used the skin with lima beans and green beans. I put a couple in the pan, inside/fat side down, cook/render some fat out, then put in the beans and cook.
I boil mine i salted water, then dry them in my cool cellar for a month, and then fry them in oil to get super crispy and super tasty pork rind snacks. The taste is fantastic compared to anything youcan buy. I often serve a couple of rinds as starters with a piece of bread and a spoonful of vegetables.
Pretty much any cooking where you would use bacon or smoked pork products, like smoked hocks, for flavoring. I cut the skin into 2x2" squares and froze them. I've used the skin with lima beans and green beans. I put a couple in the pan, inside/fat side down, cook/render some fat out, then put in the beans and cook.
Ditto.... 2"x2"

