USDA inspection and USDA grading


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Quote below from the USDA website:
Sorry, already forgot how to do the url link thing:(

"After meat and poultry are inspected for wholesomeness, producers and processors may request that they have products graded for quality by a licensed Federal grader."

Does anyone know how to tell if the meat is USDA graded, or being graded by the store or meat shop?
As I understand it, USDA inspects all meat, but some stores do their own grading.
I guess the best way is to ask the seller, and I would delete this post if I could:)
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Stores do not grade. If it is not on the meat packaging it will be on the case the meat was packed in by the packing house. You have to ask in that case, and trust the response.
Hate to be a negative Nancy or Norman but I find it hard to believe in our commercial meat industry that there is a USDA inspector on the line at every plant. I do have a client who says they have a boot on his neck but still, every production line? They may be picking on him because he's a small processor.
Having spent way, way too much time is numerous meat processing/packing plants all over the place, I can assure you there are USDA inspectors in each. The growers or packers that want grading pay for that - separately.
It's the same here in Ontario. Government inspectors on site during each and every kill. They have their own secure office at each plant they work from. In the larger operations they are there working everyday, in the smaller operations they are booked in advance by the processing plant for the day or days of the kill and the slaughter cannot occur unless they are there on the line.

