Urgent help needed, please



TVWBB Member
Hi all.

Was planning for a 20 hour overnight smoke on my 22.5 WSM this evening. Filled the WSM with about 20kg of webber long lasting coals. I am using the Minion method. I 3/4 filled my chimney and after about 15 minutes the coals were ready to be dumped.

Poured the glowing coals into the little hole I had created. As I stood back to look I realised that I had stupidely forgot to put the perferated circular coal holder in first before I poured my hot coals in!!! BAH!!

Also, it is in my folks house so there will be no real chance of me keeping an eye on it. I basically got the temp to hold at around 250'F before I had to leave.

Just before I left I could see red hot coals right at the holes of the vents on the bottom.

My question is, Is it essential to a long and slow burn to have the coal 'ring' in the WSM?

Also, how do you see this effecting an overnight smoke?

But was about 9lb with the bone in.

Man, I hope this doesn't ruin this piece of meat. Either way I wont be able to check it again for about 13 hours so I guess its a case of fingers crossed.

Any help or info would be much appreciated.

Thanks very much
I had that happen to me once but I was only doing a couple hour cook. The only issue you might have is not getting the air circulated under your coals. I hope it works out for you though. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks guys.

Chad, I've had it hold its temp for over 13 hours before. I hope I don't come across as cocky it's just that In ever smoke I've had so far (3) I've been REALLY impressed at how the WSM can hold its temp over a very long time.

So I guess time will tell.

Stay tuned and a very happy smoking and thanksgiving to everyone!
As Joe said, the charcoal chamber allows you to load up a lot of fuel without the charcoal or ashes blocking the vents. As long as that doesn't happen, you'll be fine...I think :)

Good luck!
Also, it is in my folks house so there will be no real chance of me keeping an eye on it. I basically got the temp to hold at around 250'F before I had to leave.

Barry not sure if I am reading this correctly but is the smoker in the house? Are you not concerned about carbon monoxide?

My guess would be a 9 lb. roast with a bone will be done much sooner than 20 hours.
Hey Gary. My apologies, when I say 'in' I mean 'at'. lol :) Now that would be a sight!! Its out back of their house.

So I got up there at 9 this morning and the temp was reading 0' :( It looks liek it took on a good bit of smoke but unfortunately I really am playing a guessing game here.

It does not look or feel done & wheather it has even cooked all the way through I don't know.

Thankfully it was near freezing last night so it will be safe.

My plan is to finish it in my pressure cooker and pull it after

Have some stock veg in there along with a little touch of Star Annis & some fennel seeds.

I also added a large tin of chopped tomatoes and a ladel of my BBQ sauce

I plan on cooking it for a good 4 hours in the pressure cooker then starining the sauce and reducing that riiiight down and see how we're looking then. It should be like butter with that amount of time in the pressure cooker.

Its just started so I'll come back with an update and some pictures.

PS. Chris, I think the vent I had open did get blocked with ash, thus killing the draft & my cook. BOOOOO ;)
You live and learn!!

EDIT: I also put about a pint or more of water in there too
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