Untrimmed spareribs or St Louis style?

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Ines Burriola

Closed Account
Hi all! To this point I have always trimmed spares St Louis style. You guys that have smoked them whole untrimmed racks, what is your preference? I think I might try them untrimmed next time. It's brisket this weekend.


I have tried them both ways. Untrimmed takes longer, and when doing more than two, they are sometimes a challenge to fit well into my rib racks. I find that trimmed out spares are more even in dimensions, and tend to cook more evenly and quickly. I trim all my spares and cook up the trimmings or save them for stock.

Hi Chach,
I agree with Rich. I've taken to trimming 'em. They cook somewhat quicker, and, to me, they seem to come out less greasy. They also look nicer when you pull them off, so your guests can ooh and aah.
I usually cook the trimmings at the same time if space allows, or the next day. They're great in a pot of beans or a chile verde.

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