Unsuccessful cook

Thank you for kind comment.

But really, meat looks like better than was. Believe me.
I appreciate all of you and I'm not going to lie to you.

Guys from Wisconsin - Jim and Mike: It's nice to read Slovak words here. (to me;))
Bob: Thanks for the correction. I am ashamed now:rolleyes:.
Guys from Wisconsin - Jim and Mike: It's nice to read Slovak words here. (to me;))
Mildo, môj slovenský písanie nie je dobré, takže som používať internetový prekladač. Môj dedko a babička boli od Bukovce a Gribov, Slovakia. Som navštívil v roku 2009 a dúfam, že znova navštíviť. Žijete v krásnom kraji. Prosím, pokračujte posielanie fotografií z vašich kuchárov!
Druh priania,

Mildo, my Slovak writing is not good, so I used an internet translator. My grandfather and grandmother were from Bukovce and Gribov, Slovakia. I visited in 2009 and I hope to visit again. You live in a beautiful region. Please continue sending photos of your cooks!
Kind wishes,
Next time I have an unsuccessful cook and I will. :o I could only wish it comes out looking as good as yours.
Ok , maybe the steak was a bit well done , but I bet no one said a negative word. That plate looks mouth watering good!
You're too hard on yourself Mildo. That's a tremendous dinner. As Harry Soo says, "Don't forget to have fun!"

