Two Month Old Leftovers


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
YeaH! Two months ago I posted this butt cook...
and today we're still enjoying as tasty as it was then!



Thanks for rehashing the past with me and for visiting!
still looking good! Like Mike, we use our vacuum sealer to save lots of leftovers that would end up in the garbage otherwise.
Super looking leftovers Jim!

If I'm in need of a quick fix supper, it makes my day to find a bag of frozen pulled pork hiding in the freezer.
Same as Solak said! And the ribs i better the day after? Not my ribs...Well if i have leftovers i still dont really know how to heat it good...Ohh and we dont have a wave oven.(had a few but didint use em)

And bout this PP post need reheating tips.

Another quality post JIM!
Thanks guys

Tim, about the only leftovers we have is pulled pork...
John and Daniel, I freeze my leftover pulled pork in FoodSaver® vacuum sealed bags.
Works great! I flatten the packages when I first seal them, then freeze. Takes up little space in the freezer.
Then, time comes to eet, simply slip the entire package into water in a roasting pan or any pan that'll fit and turn on the heat.
I usually let the package in the low simmering water for 30 to 45 minutes. Heat until you're hungry!
Reminds me...pick up butts at Sam's Club...smoke for 16+ hours...pull...PIG OUT!!! <a href="" target="_blank">

This is my #1 meal of all-time! </a>

Looks great Jim and still have that "just off the smoker" look to them. Did they retain the smoke flavor? Mine have almost exactly the same the day of or as frozen/thawed leftovers.
I don't know how Jim reheats his PP, but on the rare occasion when I do, it gets vacuum sealed. Then to reheat to bag goes into a pan of boiling water. Once it is heated through I cut open the bag to get at the moist steamy goodness.

Edit: Looks like Jim beat me to it.
BTW the last time I had leftover PP was August 2009. I made 60# along with 30# of beef brisket. I had all of 3# of leftover PP.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> Did they retain the smoke flavor? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>you bet! Honestly, tastes just like it was smoked that day!
My neighbors Jon & Michelle love it too!
Looks good to me too. And I do PP leftovers the same way - packets go into a pot, bring to simmer, 20 minutes or so and eat! I usually give the bag a squirt of sauce before sealing - not too much.
re: heating leftovers- I tend to freeze in 1# & 2# vacuum packages, & then I pull it out, thaw it in the fridge, & nuke a portion of it in a bowl. Sometimes I'll take a butcher knife & wack off a frozen section & nuke that! I've never reheated in boiling water, but we reheated in foil covered pans when I did the pulled pork & beef for my cousin's wedding.
I'm all out so I bet you're right!


BUTTTT I just checked my freezer & found what appears to be a ~14# chuckie in cryovac.
I use the PP remains the same. I know what you mean and I believe that it tasted great. Looks great.

