The first one is a large skillet that I obtained when the Elks Lodge I belonged to was selling their property. Me and one of my good friends split the cooking duties and there were two of the really big CI skillets, so we asked the Trustees and they said we could have them. The skillet is 19½" wide and 23½" wide at the handles. I can see no markings one it, top or bottom. Hoping that the size of this monster will provide someone with a clue as to it's origin.
The second one is a small skillet that I found going through the last of my mom's stuff before we sell her house.
I've cooked with the big one several times. One of S-i-Ls has one of those Char Broil Big Easys and it works great a burner, providing a very stable surface. I used to do all sorts of breakfasts, smash burgers, etc. until that same S-i-L bought a Blackstone . . . Now it limited to my version of Paella.
Not sure what to do with the little one. I don't recall seeing my mom ever use it. It would be great for a nice sunny side egg, but I always have 2 of them. I'll figure something out.
But any hints as to the origins of either one these would be humbly appreciated.

The second one is a small skillet that I found going through the last of my mom's stuff before we sell her house.

I've cooked with the big one several times. One of S-i-Ls has one of those Char Broil Big Easys and it works great a burner, providing a very stable surface. I used to do all sorts of breakfasts, smash burgers, etc. until that same S-i-L bought a Blackstone . . . Now it limited to my version of Paella.
Not sure what to do with the little one. I don't recall seeing my mom ever use it. It would be great for a nice sunny side egg, but I always have 2 of them. I'll figure something out.
But any hints as to the origins of either one these would be humbly appreciated.