two bad propane exchange tanks what are the odds?



TVWBB Olympian
Hooked a full tank up for roti chicken and the gas leak was really bad. Loud audible leak.

luckily I had a second full one on hand, but the valve was bad and the handle just kept spinning.

So chickens are on the spit, and I'm in the car on the way to get another tank. Thankfully third time was a charm.

I can't remember the last bad tank I had, but after yesterday, I feel like I want to test them.
Regretfully, Dan.... this is why I won't use exchange tanks. I have 3 tanks in very good condition, and there's at least 1 place here in town, less than a half a mile away where I can easily get them filled.
Home Depot has had new tanks as exchange tanks- a little pricey, but it's been a great way to get rid of my expired tanks and get brand new ones. Now that I have new tanks, I get them filled at the local propane supply for $11.99.
Feel the same. Looking to replace my new ones with a better brand. Then just refill. I hear a whistle when the burners are at a certain level...
Feel the same. Looking to replace my new ones with a better brand. Then just refill. I hear a whistle when the burners are at a certain level...
I remember one time I got desperate and turned in a tank in great condition as an exchange for the typical one in horrible shape. It took years before I finally got a brand new exchange tank. No more exchanges!
I have a bunch of tanks from my rehabs. I keep all of the ones that are still within their certification window and get those refilled. The others, I either give away with rehabbed grills or do an occasional exchange.
If you ever get a hold of those tanks with the old style connectors on them, most exchange outfits will take them, no questions asked and give you one with the new style connector. Just have to hope you get lucky and the tank you get is still within it's certification window so you can put it in your corral of refillable tanks.
Regretfully, Dan.... this is why I won't use exchange tanks. I have 3 tanks in very good condition, and there's at least 1 place here in town, less than a half a mile away where I can easily get them filled.
Same here. Have a gas company around the corner and it’s 10 bucks a fill and they definitely feel heavier than exchange bottles for half the price. Plus they will exchange the bottle to new one once they get tired. No more exchanges for me…..

