Two and a half hours into my first smoke on the WSM


Stuart S

And a few lessons learned.

1. Do not put your probe cables between the lid and middle section, even if it works on your performer and the cables are thin. Took some juggling with a face full of smoke to change it around. Rite of passage, I suppose.

2. The DigiQ 2 did a great jib of getting the cooker up to temp. In fact, it overshot by 10 degrees after an hour and it's been hovering there since. Closed the damper to 40-50% and it's not rising at all, in fact I just went outside to check and its dropped 2 degrees since I started writing this.

3. The WSM is a tank once it's running. Hard to believe the amount of smoke coming out of it in the first 2 hours.

4. Pork butts (two 8 pounders) hit 135 in next to no time at all. Just about two hours, in fact. They seem to have hit the plateau now though and are sitting comfortably at 138.

I've got my trusty Maverick on my night stand and I'm going to hit the sack. Have a good night everyone!!
Nothing beats waking up to the smell of good BBQ, unless you add the aroma of some coffee. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Sample:
Well come on you can't still be asleep. How's it going? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I finally fell asleep at 2:00am, then got up at 6:00am and took a peek at the Maverick which was holding at 229 on the pit and 168 on the top butt so I went right back to bed. Woke up at 8:15am and was still stuck at 168 so I foiled the butts and put them back on. Was really surprised to see flames licking at the bottom of the drip pan, and by how high the temp shot to in the short time I had the lid off. I had all bottom vents off, the damper on the fan closed and I had sealed the door with duct tape last night after the cooker was running hot so I must be leaking air at the bottom seal. Anyway, the butts are at about 192 right now so as soon as they hit about 200 I'll probe for tenderness and then get them into a cooler with some towels to hold them until 12:30 when the pulling will commence.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Anyway, the butts are at about 192 right now so as soon as they hit about 200 I'll probe for tenderness and then get them into a cooler with some towels to hold them until 12:30 when the pulling will commence. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

185 is a good temp to start probing, I would check now! The foiling you have done will speed up the cook very much, also before you cooler be sure to tent for 10-20min to stop the cooking before the hold.
Started probing as soon as I finished writing this, one was perfect and the other one took another 20 mins. Getting set to pull in 10 minutes, can't wait!!

