"twine" to remove or not?

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Chad P

New member
When smoking up a butt or raost,do most of you take the string off the meat? or leave on until the cook is over.I have been leaving mine on but I think the rub would penetrate better with it off? Any Ideas,thx.
Previous discussions I have seen on this subject surrounded the "netting" type twine used for some cuts of meat. The general consensus was that the netting should be removed. If it must be tied to hold it together for smoking, tie it back up in a way that does not attach itself so firmly to the meat.

The reason was that, when removed, the netting tended to pull off a lot of bark along with the string. I wouldn't think it would make any difference in the smoke penetration with or without it.
Plitz, Are you getting boneless ones. All the butts i smoke
are half or whole bone in no netting. Later Bryan
I cook rib roasts tied and have no problem getting the twine off after cooking.

I recently cooked boneless skinless turkey breasts that were netted. No bark to worry about, and the netting creates a nice, compact shape.

I've cooked netted boneless butts. No problem, either, cuz I just pull it anyway. Any bark that sticks to the net just gets pulled off and tossed into the mix.

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