TVWGG Hot Dog Taste-Off: Big Brand Basic Division


Chris Allingham

Staff member
We're kicking off a series of hot dog taste-offs over at The Virtual Weber Gas Grill blog. First up...the basic dogs from the big brands Oscar Mayer, Ballpark, and Farmer John. Find out who's the big dog and moving on to the final round!

Don't forget the best Hotdog on the planet


I realize the closest Casper's to you is in Hayward, but once you have one, you'll be hooked! They can be bought at Costco
Without Nathans and Vienna you have some big brands, but not the best. Why not include more good brands to make it interesting?
I believe that Chris mentioned this was just the first division to judge so I am guessing he will be doing more.

Chris, good stuff by the way. Seems like a fun way to look at a normal food.
Well, I spoke too soon. I looked at TVWGG and the premiums are coming as well. It should be interesting!
I realize that this is only the first round, but on the note of hot dogs I've been really impressed with the Ball Park's Finest line that they came out with a couple of months ago. All four flavors are really good and distinct. Before that I would only buy casing dogs from the meat counter.

YEARS ago Kretschmar made hot dogs that were incredible... Alas, I haven't seen them in over 10 years and none of my grocery stores know anything about them.
There's a Virtual Weber Gas Grill blog, too? I had no idea. Productivity at work.......slowing...........down...
Don't forget the best Hotdog on the planet


I realize the closest Casper's to you is in Hayward, but once you have one, you'll be hooked! They can be bought at Costco
Chuck, these look like great hot dogs! I can get them at Lucky, but unfortunately they don't meet the criteria for the taste-off. They are not standard length and they are a beef/pork hot dog. There are so many hot dogs out there, I had to limit it somehow, so I'm drawing the line at local dogs, all-beef, standard length, about 2 ounces each. But I will try these in the future! :)

