TVWB Was Born 5 Years Ago Today

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Chris Allingham

Staff member
TVWB went online for the first time 5 years ago today, on June 12, 1998.

Thanks to everyone for supporting the effort and for offering words of encouragement along the way. It's a pleasure and an honor to associate with the good people who frequent these pages and this forum.

Best regards,
Happy anniversary Chris, and thanks for everything. I probably wouldn't be smoking if it wasn't for you.
Congratulations, Chris. Maybe time to consider The Actual Weber Bullet Annual Rendezvous and Cookoff (as in The AWBARC and Bite), staged somewhere in Indiana or Illinois, centrally located, where Stogie or Dale Groetsema could ramrod the event, and Weber to sponsor it. Be a companion tribute to the website and an opportunity for a good time.
Happy Birthday VWB..Your growing to be a big boy!!I hope you have many more!!!

bugg /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Fantastic site Chris!
Thanks to you and everyone who post, I have
a new hobby and am eating some of the best
food I've ever eaten (family, friend & neighbors
agree too!)
After studying the,
I knew the WSM was the smoker to buy and
a place to get much support and valuable tips.
Thanks again!
Wasn't there a suggestion of a poll earlier re: who discovered what first: WSM, then this website; or this website, then WSM? I think the latter will probably outweigh the former. I know I'm in the latter category.
Me too Dave. I followed a post from Stogie's at and ended up here.

I was going to buy a Brikman. /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
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