Turkey Breast Woes

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K Lynch

TVWBB Member
I'm officially 0-2 in my attempt to produce a juicy, tender turkey breast. 1st attempt I won't count- cooked around 200 grate for about 4-5 hours. Yesterday, however, I smoked my 5.8 lb'er at a grate temp between 300-330 degrees for 2.5 hours, pulling at 165. The end result- not bad, certainly wasnt dry, but it wasnt flowing with juices either. Wife and friends said it was good, but I don't think its even close (in moistness) to the breast I usually do in the oven. The bird was enhanced with a solution. I've read some posts where people are brining enhanced birds (I know most say its redundant), and think I may have to try this technique next time. Any other advice?
I am no expert, but this methods gets request every year at Thanksgiving. I make an injection made of 8 oz of water seonsoned with creole seasoning, garlic and onion powders. 8 oz for breast and 16 oz for the whole bird. I inject the bird the moring of the cook, then spray the bird with butter flavored Pam and sprinkle a little rub on the outside. Use the higher temps and check internal temps as before.
I'm about to attempt the same here in a few days. I've been PMing Dennis and he's been giving me some pointers but if anyone has any other pointers for cooking indirect on a charcoal grill please feel free. I'm going to use the brining solution he sent me for flavor.
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