Turkey breast question for the experts


Joe K - Iowa

Closed Account
I've checked the Turkey Talk section of this forum but wasn't able to find what I was looking for.

I plan on cooking a 4-6 pound (haven't bought yet), whole Turkey breast on the 22 OTS.

Can anyone suggest some temps and times that have worked for you in the past... for reference? I'd be thankful for your input.

Thanks folks,
Joe (Weber kettle newbie)
Wow... thank you Chris. The link was very helpful in more ways than I was looking for.

Am I correct to assume the breasts took about 1.5 hours at an average temp of around 330-350º?

I'm doing the breast for a 3-weber cookout on Labor Day. Two others are bringing their kettle to our place and firing something up. I gave a designated 'eat time' at 2:00, so I want to make sure I can cook my turkey breast with enough time to let it rest, cut and serve at 2:00.

Will be a fun day. Normally I wouldn't think about trying something new for an event... but what the heck, it's just family, a fun time and more importantly I have an Ace up my sleeve = TVWBB. :)
Never cooked just the breast. And i cant get them that big around here. But the timing sounds right. But be sure you temp the breasts...Dry birds are nasty. Better be done early then late. Resting time is important,and could stretch from 20m-1h. Knock the socks off the competition. Family sure...But the Best Protein is something to remember ;)

Good luck and report back!

Time sounds about right. If you took them of a bit early and kept them in a cooler to "rest", they will stay a lot warmer.

if you can....try to brine. It will increase probability of a juicy bird. Chris has some good info under the poultry section.
I've done a couple of bone-in turkey breasts on the WSM with a dry pan and high heat, 350 or so.

My notes on one say it weighed 6.5 lbs. Both that I kept notes on took 2.5 hours total to get breast to around 160 to 170.

Buy it well before you are ready to cook. Except at Thanksgiving, all of them around here are frozen solid. They take a couple or three days to thaw in the fridge.
Thanks again folks. :)

After the great information here, I put the 7 pound turkey breast on at 10:40 in the morning. I kept the OTS dome temp between 320-340º for the cook time. (after several cooks
proving my grill grate runs 10-15º hotter than dome temp.)

At ten minutes short of 2 hours, the IT reached 160º. Took it off 25 minutes later when IT hit 169º, loosely foiled and placed in a small cooler to rest until my grilling partners finished an hour later.

Very tender and juicy once sliced. Skin was a bit soft, but off the grill it was crispy. I'm sure the foil and rest softened it up.

I borrowed my Dad's thermo probe... need to get me one. :D

Great cookout and family get together all around. Meats grilled were turkey, nicely seasoned pork chops and chili marinated chicken... plus lots of sides and wonderful deserts.

Thanks for the help guys,

