Turbinado Sugar ??

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Turbinado sugar is unrefined cane sugar. I often see it just labelled as raw sugar. I believe C&H sells it as Washed Raw sugar. Sugar In The Raw is also turbinado sugar. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find it at your local large grocery chain.

If you can't find it, just use brown sugar. The main difference is that turbinado sugar can survive some higher temps without burning. The flavor difference has never been enough that I can taste it.

In fact, I stopped using turbinado sugar since I never cook my Q over 275? anyway. If I am cooking something above that temp, I just don't put sugar in the rub.

Hope that helps some!

Rich G.

That helps alot--my wife also got a charge outta saying "I told you so, dummy!!" Brown sugar, we have. Many Thanks! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

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