Tuesday Night P/L Left Overs


Gene Brownson

TVWBB All-Star
Not much to show off here, I just wanted to share some pics of the left over honey mustard pork loin. We've been eating sammies this week, this is the rest of the bigger one. The other one got wrapped real good and is frozen to be enjoyed later.

We had some smoked turkey greens, some southern style cabbage and some gravy on the pork. The plate looked so good I told Toni "man that looks good, I should take a pic and post it" she said "you're crazy" (she only says it cause it's true):p So, I only took 2 pics.


Thanks for looking!! See all you good people on the weekend, if not before!:)
Leftovers never looked so good Gene!

My wife doesn't like it when I don't grill enough to have something for her lunch, at work, the next day.
Leftovers never looked so good Gene!

My wife doesn't like it when I don't grill enough to have something for her lunch, at work, the next day.

You better keep Jo Anne happy there pardner:) Just about everything we done so far has turned up leftovers. Kinda hard to cook for 2.5.

