Trouble flashing new SD card - GUI won't load.



New member
Hello everyone,

I'm having trouble after flashing a new SD card for my LinkMeter/HeaterMeter 4.2.4, still using a old school RPi model B. I have tried both the v14 software as well as the latest development snapshot and both have the same problem. In both cases I am skipping WiFi configurator on the website. After flashing I then edited the config.txt manually to add WiFi information. The Pi boots fine, and pulls an IP from my WiFi. However, when I try to load the GUI, I get the following error:

Not Found
The requested URL /luci was not found on this server.

I have ssh'd in to poke around and there is indeed no /www/luci folder.

I have tried flashing the card several times. I have used SDFormatter before flashing the card, as well. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to fix this?

[edit]I have also mounted the images downloaded from in a Linux virtual machine and browsed the /www folder. No luci folder inside, so it's not a problem flashing my SD card.

I even tried the build from source instructions, which are apparently out of date enough that they don't work. The address for the OpenWRT source is incorrect.[/edit]
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I found the old link to v13 software and installed that, and it is working correctly. There must be some problem with the new builds?
I was wondering if there is still a problem with the latest build(s) but didnt want to comment because I had no proof. Though recently my HM which had been running for a couple years (rPi B) had died for whatever reason, I assumed the build got corrupted somehow. I tried to re-image the SD Card and still no dice, so I moved to a rPi zero-w because the cook must go on! I still havent had a chance to make my final attempt to revive the model B before I call it dead.

In the back of my mind I wondered if there was an issue with the latest release, perhaps the same issue that cropped up a few months ago? It had something to do with how the image was being written to the SD Card, someone here in the forum had done deeper analysis and provided Bryan with more detailed information which allowed him to troubleshoot the issue and I had thought they had it fixed, but perhaps not?

Back when that issue manifested I had an older image I was sharing with people when they couldnt get a build to work, once the older build was installed on the SD card the most recent build would install over the top (through the HM interface) and work fine, so you might try to update your HM via Config/System/Backup / Flash Firmware if you want to run the latest version.
There is no /www/luci folder.

Here's the folder structure of /www using the current snapshot.

root@LEDE:~# find /www -type d

Edit: for clarification, everything is working fine for me, meaning there should not be a luci folder in /www
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Back when that issue manifested I had an older image I was sharing with people when they couldnt get a build to work, once the older build was installed on the SD card the most recent build would install over the top (through the HM interface) and work fine, so you might try to update your HM via Config/System/Backup / Flash Firmware if you want to run the latest version.

I'm trying that right now. I had debated the merits of doing so, as I didn't want to break everything once I got it working again. It's worth a shot, though!

There is no /www/luci folder.

Here's the folder structure of /www using the current snapshot.

root@LEDE:~# find /www -type d

Edit: for clarification, everything is working fine for me, meaning there should not be a luci folder in /www

Huh. That is roughly what I remember my /www looking like. I wonder what is going on with my fresh flashes? I even tried using different/cleared browsers.
So, I flashed the v14 firmware from the GUI on my working v13, and I am back to the /luci not found error. I do have SSH access so I could do some more troubleshooting, if I even had a clue what to look for...
I tried yet another SD card this morning, and it appears to work correctly. Time to start setting things up from scratch!
That's certainly strange behavior. I'm wondering if the uhttpd configuration kept somehow getting messed up. /luci is a virtual path that's handled with the config lines
        option lua_prefix '/luci'
        option lua_handler '/usr/lib/lua/luci/sgi/uhttpd.lua'
So it seems like it wasn't invoking the call via the lua engine for some reason. It is added during the firstboot process which would mean it could fail if for some reason the SD card stays read-only. I just looked over the code and I don't see anything that stands out as something that could cause this to happen, but I will definitely keep my eyes open and see if I can reproduce this.

