Tropical Storm Beryl Beef Jerky


Lew Newby

R.I.P. 1/26/2024
I marinated 2 lbs. of sliced Bottom Round Roast for 24 hours and put it on the WSM at 12:35 PM. The timing was dictated by when the heavy rain stopped. The temp was at 145 and coming up when I put it on. This is my first attempt at Jerky on the WSM and I'll post pictures of the product.

EDIT: I don't consider myself real good at controlling temp and really wondered if I could keep the temp below 160. After an hour I've stayed below 158. Saying that is probably the kiss of death but my confidence is moving up a tad.

The rain just won't stop but I figure that won't hurt in keeping the temp down where I want it. It's pouring right now.
5 hours into the cook and I had one brief temp excursion above 160. I put some small pieces on the top rack for testing and the meat tastes good but it's not Jerky yet. The full slices are on a metal skewer hangin through the top grate.

I'm definitely learning some stuff today.

Sounds like you are successfully dealing with Beryl. I left Charleston, SC on Sunday and Beryl was causing a lot of wind and rain. I drove north and gradually got away, but it looks like Beryl is now coming northward also. Guess I will experience it again.

Did the jerky finally turn out as you expected?

OK here's the recap and a photo.

I filled the charcoal ring about 3/4 full with unlit and 2 chunks of Hickory. My 4 briquettes were only partially lit when the rain started so I quickly poured them in the center of the unlit and put the cooker together. One minute later the Monsoon hit and I had rain off and on for the entire cook but only occasional gusts of wind. Outside air temp averaged about 75°. The cooker to one hour to reach 150° and I put the meat on then. The cook took 10 hours and the Jerky came out dry but pliable. Definitely Jerky and not shoe leather. I had over 4" of water in the lower body after the rains finally stopped and I only used about 1/3 of the Kingsford Blue and only 1 chunk of Hickory lit off.

As I said I had serious doubts about holding temps at 150° without water but the WSM did a great job. Yeah, I know you guys told me the WSM would do it but I had never tried it. I believed you had the skill but wasn't sure I had it. Now I know that I can cook at any temp I want with just my trusty WSM and a clay saucer (wrapped in foil of course).
Somebody say "I TOLD YOU SO"

Oh yeah, the Jerky. My grandson loves it, I like it, and my Daughter doesn't like the aftertaste. I don't know if the aftertaste was the Hickory or the marinade so next time I'll try Oak or Cherry. If that doesn't work I'll use a different marinade.

Comments on anything, especially aftertaste, will be deeply appreciated.

