Triming spares to St. Louis


Jon MI

TVWBB Super Fan
When you guys that trim your spares down to St. Louis do you smoke the bricket bone w/ all the meat on it or what?

Do you trim the skirt or leave it on.
I trim the skirt and smoke it along with the rest of the cuttings. Dog usually ends up with the bone and I eat the skirt. Neither one of us ever say a thing about it.
I always smoke the trimmings. Since they're smaller and will generally be finished first, they make a great snack for the cook to munch on. After the meat's pulled from the cartilage, they're also great for throwing into a pot of beans or putting on a bun.

As for your second question about what to do with the skirt, it's just like on prom night. The skirt comes off.

Hope this helps.


