Tri-tip question


Mark Maral

TVWBB Member
Doing 4 tri-tips today on the WSM. I'm going to do them at around 350 then sear them at the end. The question is I need to take them from my house to a b-day party about 15 min away. I expect there to be about 1hr between the time I pull them off and they are sliced and served. I'm shooting for an internal temp of 135 or so when we slice them. Should I go ahead and pull them at around 130 then wrap in foil, towels and then take them over in an ice chest and then leave them like that until we slice them or is there a better way to do this? I want them to stay warm but not be over-cooked either.

Thanks, mark
I've only done tri tip a couple of times, but when I did the temp kept climbing even when it was just tented with foil and resting on a cutting board. In your case, I'd pull them around 120 because wrapped and packed in a cooler for an hour will probably have them around 135 when you are ready to serve.
Though a temp rise is standard, one would not expect a 15? rise, especially from a 120? finish point. Finish texture is an important consideration so were it me I'd go with 125=127?.
Thanks guys. So I'll shoot for 125, foil, wrap them and take them over.

So, I guess they will stay ok in the foil for the 1 hr from the time I pull them off until they are sliced and served.

