Total cook time for a pork butt



I have a 6 pound butt on the cooker going at 250-275. I have read that it takes 1-2 hours per pound. Is this including the stall? Should I cook it at a lower temp? I have a full pan of water and the bottom vents open about 1/8". I loaded 3/4 full of charcoal and put 40 lit briquettes on top. It is about 35 degrees out, no wind. Maybe I should have used less coals.

Also, will two 6 pounds butts cook faster than one 12 pound butt?
Hi Ken. You're in a good cooking range. Increased cooking temperatures decrease the total cooking time while decreased cooking temperatures increase total cooking time. Generally speaking, two 6 pound butts will take less total time to cook than one 12 pound butt. Meat thickness is one key. A younger animal will have less tough connective tissue. As such, they will generally arrive at tenderness stage earlier than an older animal. There are other factors such as genetics and stress which also apply.
My ROT is 90 minutes per pound. Some are done sooner; some later. Once you get to around 190F (be sure your thermometer is good and well positioned in the meat) it is generally done. If you pull it off early, well, you can cook it more, but you can never cook it less.

