Tornado Cooking


Brenda T

TVWBB All-Star
A while back there was a discussion about outdoor cooking during dangerous weather, and some of the folks back East seemed to think
we might be blowing smoke.

This picture was taken yesterday in Altus, OK.
The Blackstone is not in use because the person with the camera is busy offscreen with the Weber kettle.

I just made up that part about the kettle LOL - but you get the idea!

I know our members up in Corn Country understand. ;)Altus.jpg
Having lived my entire life in Oklahoma until a year and a half ago when we moved to Georgia.... I can agree that sometimes you gotta keep cooking even when the 'naders show up. lol. You live in tornado alley long enough you know how to read a radar and when you should be worried. I can promise you I would much rather be on the porch watching that monster than in the hidey hole (storm shelter) wondering if I'm in danger. And, if I'm in the middle of searing some ribeyes on the Weber, I'm not stopping until I start seeing debris falling on me. Just sayin. lol
Yes, bad weather cooks can be exciting on many levels but, that is a fabulous picture! If you have not started, there are times to wait but, in the middle of a cook? Sometimes I’m just stupid enough to keep going but,tornados like that are pretty rare around here…wait. There was one a mile and a half from me last week!!

