Top round beef steak


james milstead

New member
I'm hoping to recreate something we had in Texas at a wonderful BBQ place. They call it "Beef Steak". It has what I call Austin Texas style bbq sauce,(kind of thin, more orange than red, and tangy). If you have ever had bbq in central Texas you know what I mean.
Anyway, my son in law says he thinks it's a top round cut sliced thin and grilled or smoked somehow.
Anyone got any ideas? Would like to cook low and slow on the WSM if that is the way to go.
well, it was covered with lots of bbq sauce, it seems well done but hard to tell. It is real tender, and kind of flakes apart like a pot roast.
It doesn't sound like top round to me personaly, for top round I typically see it sliced thin rare to med rare in the middle, definately not like pot roast. It sounds more like a chuck cut or even brisket (if adding liquid during foiling it can turn out like pot roast). Although both of these cuts would be pretty hard to slice thin at that doneness and pot roast like. Sorry I couldn't help more.....
Someone will jump in soon I'd imagine.


