Top or bottom rack....

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Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
I noticed that in a lot of the cooking topics on the TVWB homepage, in the pictures it looks like Chris uses the bottom rack, not the top rack, when cooking one item. The only times I use the bottom rack is when smoking 2 items, and the meat on the bottom rack is never as smoky. What are your experiences?
Top rack man.
Unless cooking 2 items. Bryan
Dont know which recipes you are referring to but i dont think there is any benifit of using the bottom rack with one item.. it would just make things more difficult.....

let us know which recipes and maybe there will be a good answer.....take care
I always use the top rack unless I cook more than will fit on one rack. It's a lot easier to work with the meat on the top rack than the lower one.
I only cook on the bottom grate when a) also cooking on the top grate, or b) when cooking something that won't fit on the top grate...I've done a few turkeys on a vertical roasting rack on the bottom grate.

If you're referring to a couple of turkey breasts shown on the bottom grate in this month's featured Boneless, Skinless Turkey Breast article, that's because I also cooked a couple of slabs of ribs on the top grate, not shown in the photos.

I usually cook whatever is going to finish first on the top grate and the larger items on the lower. Although I have cooked turkeys on the bottom with no top grate. Either way some little tid bit ( Rib trimmings etc ) always makes it's way to the bottom grate, and it's always right in front of the door.

"...and I ain't aimin' for you to go over to Mister John Wilke's and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog"......Mammy
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