Too much meat?


Jack Henry

TVWBB Member
No, not setting up a "that's what she said" joke...

Sent my father in law to pick up a butt to do high heat Sunday morning for PP that afternoon/evening.

He comes back with a 10.5# whole shoulder.

So, question is, any chance to do that high heat cook on a piece of meat that big? Doing a midnight Saturday presents a problem (one of them being, I don't have a good therm), but if you guys say that's my only chance for getting pulled pork on the table Sunday afternoon, I'll give it a shot...

Any chance of cutting it in half? If it's whole with leg bone, then just smoke whole until 160*F internal, then foil wrap and finish in the oven (cooking at 350*F) until finished and tender.
I was thinking about butchering it somehow too, Gary. I'm sure I can find something online about how to do it, or maybe it is obvious?

If I can, I guess I could also just go with the butt, and save the picnic for another time? That would leave me, I guess, with 5-6 lbs, which would be do-able in 5 hrs....
Well, in the cold, harsh light of morning (and a bit less Evan Williams) it would appear I don't have a whole shoulder, but rather a 10.5# picnic:

Would appear they've already trimmed the skin off, as there is just, what appears to be, a wrinkled layer of fat, almost like chicken skin.

Regardless, short of smoking and then oven as Gary suggested (which might work), looks like I'm going to have to do an overnight without the assistance of a Maverick.

I have a bit of a timing problem I think. Wife's b-day party tonight will keep me out of the house from around 6:30 to 11 or so.

So, I can either start it at 6, check/adjust when I get home and let it run all night and figure 18 hours or so to done? Which would have me hopefully taking it off at around noon, resting it for a few hours for an early dinner.

Or, start it at 11PM when I get home and risk having a shorter rest time and possibly a later dinner.

Or, are my estimated cooking times way off?

You can still do a High Heat cook on it, I do them all the time. I usually have anywhere from 8 to 9 lb Butt, and they come out great, you should have no problem with 10.5 lb picnic. total cook time for me is about 5 hours (3.5 @ 350, then 1.5 hrs wrapped in foil @ 350+) if you decide to go HH you may want to increase the time that it is wrapped in foil from 1.5hrs to 2-2.5hrs, bringing your total cook time to 5.5-6 hrs. I hope this helps. Happy Q-ing!!
That does help, Bill. Thanks.

Not sure why I got it in my head that a picnic at that size wouldn't be a candidate for a high heat cook. Guess I figured it was better suited for small butts.

Everything I've read on here says most folks have a tough time telling the difference between a low and slow and a HH if done properly. Is that your take?
Good learning experience so far. That "fat" I thought I saw through the wrapper turned out to be skin, as one would expect on a picnic I've learned.

Trimmed it, injected it, rubbed it, threw it on and taking my chances on the temps. I'll check when I get home around 11, probably fill the pan again, and maybe get up at 3 or so, depending on bourbon intake...

Thanks all.
I did a 12 pound full shoulder w/bone in last night on my WSM. Fell below freezing for awhile and frosted hard, but I pulled it off in 13.5 hours (internal temp of 195), while trying to stay at 230-250 most of the time. My stoker is coming next week, and I wanted to set a baseline to compare to. It turned out great.


