Tonight's Tale



TVWBB Super Fan
I was driving down the road, my mind preoccupied with the errands of the day. The sun cast a golden glow on everything it touched, including the traffic light ahead that flickered red. I slowed to a stop, my eyes wandering to the car that pulled up beside me in the right lane. It was an old scrapper's truck, its trailer loaded with various discarded items. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed a familiar shape among the rubble – a Weber Genesis Silver B grill, its metallic frame gleaming in the sunlight!

Just as I was about to react, the light turned green. The scrapper turned right, and I had to go straight. He was in the right lane, I was in the left. Panic surged through me. I thought about rolling down my window and shouting something to him, but I hesitated, fearing he'd think I was crazy. The regret was instant and profound. I felt a deep sadness knowing that another Weber grill was on its way to being destroyed, its life cut short.

I tried to put it out of my mind as I continued with my errands, but the image of that grill haunted me. As I drove home, the day’s tasks complete, I approached another red light. To my astonishment, I saw the scrapper’s truck turn in front of me, continuing up the road. He hit all green lights while I was stuck at the red. Desperation gripped me as I scanned the horizon, losing sight of him.

Finally, the light changed, and I sped through the intersection, determined to catch up. Nothing. I couldn’t see him. Couldn’t find him. Intersection after intersection. But then, wait…there! Way up the road, I caught a glimpse of his truck. I floored the gas, weaving through traffic until I was right beside him again at another red light. This time, I rolled down my window, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

“Hey!” I called out, catching his attention. “I want the grill on your trailer. I’ll pay for it!”

He looked at me, surprised, then nodded. Relief washed over me as he agreed to pull over. I led him to my house, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief. As we arrived, I thanked him profusely, handing over the $20 he requested. We carefully unloaded the grill, its weight and presence now a symbol of my determination and luck.

Another grill’s life was saved today. I stood there, looking at the Silver B in my driveway, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment and joy. The day had taken an unexpected turn, leading me to a serendipitous reunion with a piece of metal that meant so much more.

I was driving down the road, my mind preoccupied with the errands of the day. The sun cast a golden glow on everything it touched, including the traffic light ahead that flickered red. I slowed to a stop, my eyes wandering to the car that pulled up beside me in the right lane. It was an old scrapper's truck, its trailer loaded with various discarded items. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed a familiar shape among the rubble – a Weber Genesis Silver B grill, its metallic frame gleaming in the sunlight!

Just as I was about to react, the light turned green. The scrapper turned right, and I had to go straight. He was in the right lane, I was in the left. Panic surged through me. I thought about rolling down my window and shouting something to him, but I hesitated, fearing he'd think I was crazy. The regret was instant and profound. I felt a deep sadness knowing that another Weber grill was on its way to being destroyed, its life cut short.

I tried to put it out of my mind as I continued with my errands, but the image of that grill haunted me. As I drove home, the day’s tasks complete, I approached another red light. To my astonishment, I saw the scrapper’s truck turn in front of me, continuing up the road. He hit all green lights while I was stuck at the red. Desperation gripped me as I scanned the horizon, losing sight of him.

Finally, the light changed, and I sped through the intersection, determined to catch up. Nothing. I couldn’t see him. Couldn’t find him. Intersection after intersection. But then, wait…there! Way up the road, I caught a glimpse of his truck. I floored the gas, weaving through traffic until I was right beside him again at another red light. This time, I rolled down my window, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

“Hey!” I called out, catching his attention. “I want the grill on your trailer. I’ll pay for it!”

He looked at me, surprised, then nodded. Relief washed over me as he agreed to pull over. I led him to my house, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief. As we arrived, I thanked him profusely, handing over the $20 he requested. We carefully unloaded the grill, its weight and presence now a symbol of my determination and luck.

Another grill’s life was saved today. I stood there, looking at the Silver B in my driveway, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment and joy. The day had taken an unexpected turn, leading me to a serendipitous reunion with a piece of metal that meant so much more.

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That grill is way too nice to throw away. Great job saving it John!
Ok, but what did your wife say? Reminds me of the time I backed my truck up to the garage with a truckload of old computers that the company I worked for was recycling. My wife came outside and the look on her face...priceless. She just shook her head, muttered something and went back inside.

And of course you told the scrapper you'll give him $20 for every Weber he picks up, just leave them in the driveway...right?

Oh, yeah, nice save! :ROFLMAO:
...Just as I was about to react, the light turned green. The scrapper turned right, and I had to go straight. He was in the right lane, I was in the left. Panic surged through me. I thought about rolling down my window and shouting something to him, but I hesitated, fearing he'd think I was crazy. The regret was instant and profound. I felt a deep sadness knowing that another Weber grill was on its way to being destroyed, its life cut short...
No, just Weberitis. However, it's not documented in the psychology journals...yet.

