Tomorrow is the day it happens (first time BBQ)



New member
So, I received my wsm the other day. So far I have run a dry run, which didn't last because I had to bbq something so I threw on some goodies I had seen on the net. Tomorrow marks the day where I (slowly) start my journey, though. I have bought a piece of...hmm..fläskkarré (loin of pork?). A small piece, about 3,5 pounds, to start with. Currently on it, making some rub according to a nice recipe which is similar to rubs I have done before.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes to bbq a smaller piece like this. And I really hope it will be something special. Unfortunately all the stores here are out of wood, and I have nothing dried up (apple as well as cherry incoming from friends), so I only have smaller pieces of apple and hickory as well as chunks of mesquite.

As I said, interesting. :D
Best of luck Nelli.
I too am firing up the new WSM tomorrow for the first time.
Gotta get my ribs done for the throwdown.
Hope to see some pictures from you also.
I made two smallish pieces, around 3,5-4 pounds each. Both juicy, filled with fat and loads of connective tissue. One was a piece with bone, and the other without. I used the same rub for both, a red rub containing cayenne, brown and white sugar, paprika, salt, pepper, mustard, garlic onion (recipe from a Swedish guy called Jonas Cramby, who made a nice Swedish bbq book to help spread the gospel). I also made a very made some BBQ sauce with ancho chili and other stuff, as well as a mop with vinegar, apple juice, Worcestershire sauce and some rub. However, I did not actually want to use this, but I could restrain myself and applied the mop once.

Now, I pulled the first boneless, smaller piece at great temperature after having foiled it for speed, being quite late in the evening since I had put it on too late due to some circumstances. The bark was developed but not extremely dark at all places, and me and my tame teenager with partner had some pulled pork sandwiches. Both enjoyed it, but it just wasn't all that...special. It just didn't quite pop. "Well, this was ok", my teenager said, lowering my moods further. I went on to check the temp of the other piece and it was stalling, and stalling, and stalling. Oh well, had a beer, and went to the computer. This turned out to be a long wait, lasting several hours, and I ended up with pulling the meat from the BBQ at 3 in the night.

I sat down, all alone, and started pulling the meat. I tried tasting a piece of bark, and it was very strong to the taste. I went on to taste another piece, smoke ring meat and bark and it EXPLODED in my mouth. While chewing happily, I put a fork into the meat and turned it. The meat gave in like melted butter. For real. I actually started laughing at this point. Fortunately, being the mischievous teenagers they are, the kids had not gone to bed yet and heard one sneaking to the bath room. Instead of talking about the hour it was I asked her to get the other, and they both came and we had some pulled pork pieces. At this point I realized that I wasn't alone, since both were extremely delighted at the flavor, and they took a plate with them downstairs. Decadent, I know, but it's bbq.

So, what did the final result with the nice second piece look like? Well, something like this:


And a closeup, **** pic:
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Forgot to mention; I had put the bigger piece with rub on it into the fridge, letting it stay there for the night. The other piece only got to rest with rub for around 30-45 minutes. Big difference! :D
That's some good looking meat there, looks like it had a nice crust. Glad it turned out good for you. Its a good feeling when a plan all comes together, especially when it seems like it wont

You're hooked now for sure :)

