So, I received my wsm the other day. So far I have run a dry run, which didn't last because I had to bbq something so I threw on some goodies I had seen on the net. Tomorrow marks the day where I (slowly) start my journey, though. I have bought a piece of...hmm..fläskkarré (loin of pork?). A small piece, about 3,5 pounds, to start with. Currently on it, making some rub according to a nice recipe which is similar to rubs I have done before.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to bbq a smaller piece like this. And I really hope it will be something special. Unfortunately all the stores here are out of wood, and I have nothing dried up (apple as well as cherry incoming from friends), so I only have smaller pieces of apple and hickory as well as chunks of mesquite.
As I said, interesting.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to bbq a smaller piece like this. And I really hope it will be something special. Unfortunately all the stores here are out of wood, and I have nothing dried up (apple as well as cherry incoming from friends), so I only have smaller pieces of apple and hickory as well as chunks of mesquite.
As I said, interesting.