todays cook



TVWBB Member
ive got a pork picnic and a small brisket on. later well put a split chicken on the grill with some corn on the cob.
Looks like a great meal coming up. How long has your picnic been on in that photo?
How do you keep your grate so freakin clean lol. Mine looked like that when it was new, that's about when that ended lol.
I use a degresser our kitchen help use at our Legion Bar. I got it at GFS a local supply company. I paid like $10 for a gllon of it and you can cut down to useable mixes. It will litterly remove everything. I had grates that was 3 years old and they came out looking like new. Used it on the inside and it cut right thru the smoke build up. Maybe a local food service store may be able to help in finding a quality cleaner.
mmmmm i just had a late night snack.

everything turned out good. i didnt get anymore pics cause we were too busy eating.

this is the first time ive done a picnic roast. it turned out alright. lots of nice little nuggets of pork goodness fell off it..
im going to do a whole shoulder next time.

