What size clay saucer do you use in the WSM 18.5" ?
I'm going with the 14 if I can find one. All the local stores are out but have 12.5 and 16. Figures.a 14" (or #36) will fit across the top of the pan and a 12.5 will sit in the bottom of the pan from a quick search. Most go with the 14" version. Getting ready for the first smoke in the new WSM this weekend?
I'm going with the 14 if I can find one. All the local stores are out but have 12.5 and 16. Figures.
Mike I found a 14 at the other Home Depot in town today. Got lucky.I noticed at the stores around us when I bought my 16" one that Home Depot had way more of a selection in the stores than Lowes..Bad thing its the wrong part of the yr for this kind of stuff so stock may be low at places for awhile.
Mike I found a 14 at the other Home Depot in town today. Got lucky.