To Much Rub?


Darin Hearn

I remember watching an episode of "Good Eats" on the food network and Alton Brown said the most important thing about the rub is that it has as much contact with the meat as possible. That made sense to me. But since then I have also heard some experienced BBQ people say the opposite and say to go easy on the rub. So I thought I would ask you guys! Which is it? Getting as much rub as possible in contact with the meat or just a little bit of rub? Please share your thoughts!
Getting as much contact as possible. You want an interaction with the proteins in the meat, the moisture that exudes due to the salt, and the heat. There's a limit to how much is possible though, i.e. a half-inch or rub is not going to give you a half-inch of bark.Use too much and it will work against you.
For Butts...I like the rub thick and leave it on overnight.
I have found that only a dusting is necessary for baby backs. I have done too many baby backs that didn't taste good enough. I apply just before they go into the smoker.

