Michael A.
New member
Guys - I have been reading up on some of the threads and haven't heard much about mopping techniques with the WSM. I recently purchased an 18.5 and based on what I have been reading it looks like you don't want to open the grill until the final stages. I guess I'm used to firebox smokers and opening and mopping the meat every 30 mins or so.
Should I just marinate and dry rub or is there something with the Water Pan that keeps you from needing to do this to add flavor?
Just learning here so looking for guidance on how I should be thinking about this in regards to my new smoker!
Smoke Till Dawn -
Michael A.
Should I just marinate and dry rub or is there something with the Water Pan that keeps you from needing to do this to add flavor?
Just learning here so looking for guidance on how I should be thinking about this in regards to my new smoker!
Smoke Till Dawn -
Michael A.