To Brine or Not to Brine?


Greg P (Philly)

New member
I am new to smoking using my Weber Smokey Mountain, but have brined for years before roasting the Thanksgiving Turkey. Carried the brine first mentality over with great success so far, and wanted to share a tip on brining equipment. I use the Briner, check it out this thing works great. No more brick wrapped in foil needed!
Anyway, as I am just beginning my long road to successful smoking, wanted some feedback from the pro's on brining before smoking. Thanks
Yes, although many times I go without, poultry benefits from brining. Helps make a more moist and flavorful bird.
What is the Briner you mentioned? Can you post a link or a photo?
I especially like to brine poultry of all types. It is such a simple way to add so much flavor.

Sometimes I brine pork butts, sometimes I inject, sometimes rub only.

I use a bag of ice or one of those reusable frozen ice packs to hold her under.

