Timing of Ham and Mojo Butt


Tony Catencamp

TVWBB Member
Long time, no post. Since I can't get to the Tampa area this year, Tampa has to come to me. I will be be putting a mojo injected boneless 8 lb butt on the WSM bottom rack at 325 degrees. Instead of using deli ham slices for the Cubanos, I want to put a 7 pound ham (butt portion already full cooked) on the top rack. I would like them to come off around the same time. I will be taking the injected butt to 175 for slicing and the ham to 140. My other problem is, I've never high heated a butt before.

Anybody care to provide an educated guess as to how long after I put the injected butt the ham should go on? I know I could hot hold for a quite some time, but I would prefer them getting done as close as possible. Thanks for any guidance.
I cook my hams about 3.5 hours. But I put them in a foil pan and baste, lifting the cover several times.
Thanks guys for the tips. I put the butt on at 11:30 a.m. and the ham went on at 1:00 p.m. At 4:30, the ham was at 142 and the butt had reached 174, so I pulled them. The smoker maintained 325-340 with high wind for the duration of the cook. I realized that I am not a big fan of sliced butt. I think I will go back to sliced loin next time. Too much fat not rendered.

