Time to retire the Redhead


J Hoke

It has performed flawlessly but time to put it away. I like the new blue, just not as much as red.
Nothing wrong with that Red. Clean it up, maybe some new handles and you're set! I'll take it if you don't want it though.
Not getting rid of it, just easing her work load. I will be making new handles. Trying to decide what species of wood to use.

Called Weber and they don't carry wooden handles any more. Can't decide whether to take the ones off the wsm and put on red or just leave the wsm original. It is one of the first wsms. I think it is a 2880. No date codes, round knob on door, very shallow water pan, and wooden handles.

Other option is to make new ones for red, take the original ones off the wsm to save them, and put new plastic ones on the wsm since it does comp duty. Such weighty decisions.:)
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