Time to call it a day on these butts?


Jack Henry

TVWBB Member
All of a sudden, butts are giving me problems. Put an 8# and a 9# on around 7PM last night. Had to get up and stir the coals around 3AM when the smoker dropped below 200 (meat was around 145). All was well this morning around 7, with the smoker at 210 (added some fuel) and the meat around 170.

Had to run out for a few hours and when I returned at 1PM, the smoker was down to 160 and the meat 165. Filled up the ring, added some hot, but meat is still at 168. Now running around 320 to try to finish it up some time today.

So, not concerned about food safety based on what I've learned from Kevin, et al., but I am now concerned these boys are gonna dry out from cooking too long.

Assume I need to foil at this point? If so, suggested finishing temps? Other thoughts? I don't mind running them longer with no foil, just don't want to dry out.

shouldn't dry out. finish at about 200 deg. if you want to shred it. suggest that you up yer temp next time to 275 deg or so.
Personally, I would finish them in the oven. They are done smoking. I have finished at 300-325 in the oven. I pull them at 200F meat temp.
As Jim said. You have plenty of smoke on them so if it's still a matter of reaching the pulling point, I'd foil and throw them in the oven (275) till they are ready. George says 200, and that is the guideline. However every butt is different. I've had them done at 190 as well as 220.... Just get a feel for tenderness and judge from there. You will be fine!
If you want to leave them on the smoker, foil them in HD foil and put them back on. The foil will help keep them moist. Add some liquid to the foil if you want. It'll be all good. You can moisten with some vinegar, Carolina sauce (mostly vinegar) or some apple juice if its dry when you start pulling. Mix in some of your rub, too.

thanks all. Ended up foiling them and leaving them on the smoker at around 300. Bumped up to 205 within an hour. One (the smaller) ended up a tad on the dry side, but the 9# was just about perfect. Even kept a good bark likely due to the hours and hours on the smoker and short time in the foil. Thank God butts are so forgiving...

