Throwing my hat in the bacon ring


RJ Banks

TVWBB All-Star
I have been seeing so many bacon posts I decided to give it a shot. I searched the area for a butcher that carried pork belly at a decent price. Found prices anywhere between $3.99-$7.99 per pound! Finally found a meat packing plant in my city that I did not know sold to the public and got it for $2.29 per pound. Only issue was I had to by the whole thing. Wanted to try a smaller one first, but figured might as well go big or go home.

Here it is, all 15.65 pounds of it.

I cut it in half length wise and then into thirds for more manageable pieces.

Rubbed them down with tender quick and brown sugar as just a base flavor and placed them into individual Ziploc bags. I added different spices, herbs, syrup, etc. to each bag. Forgot to take a pic of those. Each "recipe" was done in two bags so I have three different flavors hopefully coming out.

Everything is resting in the fridge for the next 7-10 days and will continue when I get to the next step. I'm so excited to see how this turns out. Later this week I am going to grind my own meat and stuff to make Italian and breakfast sausage with the grinder the wife got me for Christmas.
RBanks looking great so far..waiting to see the results. I'm sure it will be great! Seeing these posts I'm "almost upset" I order a Hog every year from the local farmer.
I just thought I liked bacon until I logged in to this site and have been seeing these guys and their insane bacon concoctions. Keep it up. More pics please when it's done. I loves poke belly, yes I sho do.

Don't lift the lid...
Lookin good! I'm sure you'll be thrilled with the results!

That is also a phenomenal price you got on that belly! The belly I bought this summer cost something like $3.65/# which is good, my only complaint was, it was skin on... Thats the only round of bacon I've done so far, but it turned out great! I also highly recommend doing a pork loin for Canadian bacon. Aside from having to cure longer, I feel the Candian bacon is even easier than belly bacon, and almost as delicious.
There s nothing can go wrong, it'll be good and you will be excited (as we all do what we are already on board;))
You certainly have a great start with the bacon. Looks like your well on your way to some delicious pig candy.
I'm a few days into the bacon cure and when I flipped them today I can feel the difference (firmer) in the bacon. I have a question for anyone who has done this. When I get to day seven how do I tell if it needs to sit longer before moving to the next step or if I need to let it sit longer? Seen a few different thoughts on the matter. Thanks for any help.
It's the end of the 7 days. I pulled them out of the bags and washed them off, patted them dry and placed on racks in the fridge until tomorrow. I can't wait to get home from work to smoke these.

More updates to follow tomorrow.

