Thoughts on this Simpsons Kettle

Good evening all. I have an opportunity to pick up this Simpsons Kettle but I wanted to see what everyone thought about it. My concern is rust which I want to get some opinions and thoughts on the leg holder in the second picture. Overall, it does not look like a lot of dings or marks to the kettle so I am thinking that it should clean up well. Any thoughts on this is appreciated. I have been able to get to a price of $160 for this kettle. Thanks.





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Apologizes to all, as I am a newbie on the board and first time posting pics. Have not figured out how to remove the dups that I ended up posting with my impatient double clicks.
Personally, I would completely disassemble the kettle and give the bowl and lid a thorough cleaning. I use a razer scrapper to get a majority of the gunk off of it and then use 0000 steel wool and dish soap to scrub it completely clean. If there is still some rust and it isn't too badly rusted you can try using some evaporust to get the rest of it. There is even a chance that you might need to let it soak in evaporust just to get the one touch sweeps off. They might also be cut off with a cut off wheel or grinder, but you need to be careful. If a kettle is really badly rusted though sometimes the rust is all that's holding it together and evaporust can eat it away too much. Once it is all clean I would use cooking oil on any bare metal and cook on it to season it. I would try to clean up the handles as best as possible because that is the one part of the kettle you can't easily replace.

As for the lower part of the kettle it is likely going to be more work than it is worth to clean up. It can be done, but I wouldn't doubt if you could find a black kettle from the same age for $20 to $50 in much better shape. The sweeps are shot so throw them away for replacements, the legs and the bucket could be polished up with some emery cloth sand paper, the triangle could be soaked evaporust and repainted/clearcoated, and the wheels could get replacement rings. That is just a hell of a lot of work and a fair amount of materials in my opinion. You can always use the materials again for the next project though. Right now I have a few buckets of evaporust that I bought months ago thinking I would find a few good projects this year, but now I am stuck at home with all this madness going on.

Good luck!
I agree i think the price is a little high. I sold one that overall was in better shape than that just had a couple good sized chips in the dome for $100. I got one on ebay a year or 2 ago for $275 with shipping that had only been used twice and looks brand new. I would look around or talk that person down. B84246F3-23AE-4744-9DE6-8519084E4479.jpeg
Thanks everyone. I was thinking that it was too high also so I will keep looking.

My bad. I thought you already bought it. I wouldn't have paid that either, but then again I am not big on Simpsons and would only grab one for a trade. Are you a big Simpsons fan or just like the color yellow? If it is just about the color for you I would just try to find a good deal on a vintage yellow. If you are willing to watch like a hawk and drive at a moments notice you might grab one for cheap on Facebook Marketplace. If not, you might be able to find a less than perfect one in that $200 to $350 range.

I wouldn't go too crazy on the price though. People were spending anywhere from $800 for rough to $3,000 for cleanish Vintage Glen Blues and then Weber goes and drops the Glen Blue 26er. Considering the success they have had with it I wouldn't doubt if we see more vintage color come backs or some wild variations of colors in the future.
My bad. I thought you already bought it. I wouldn't have paid that either, but then again I am not big on Simpsons and would only grab one for a trade. Are you a big Simpsons fan or just like the color yellow? If it is just about the color for you I would just try to find a good deal on a vintage yellow. If you are willing to watch like a hawk and drive at a moments notice you might grab one for cheap on Facebook Marketplace. If not, you might be able to find a less than perfect one in that $200 to $350 range.

I don't really like the Simpsons, but I have been tempted by some of the less pricey Smokey Joe versions I have seen. I look at it as a cheaper way to get a yellow kettle. All the historic yellow kettles I see that have any yellow left to speak of are priced really high.

I wouldn't go too crazy on the price though. People were spending anywhere from $800 for rough to $3,000 for cleanish Vintage Glen Blues and then Weber goes and drops the Glen Blue 26er. Considering the success they have had with it I wouldn't doubt if we see more vintage color come backs or some wild variations of colors in the future.

Yep, I fully expect more Glen Blues including ones in 22" and Yellows, Avocados, and maybe even the Western Steer to re-appear as well.
Yeah the prices on the yellows are all over the place. I have seen some go for $200 even when a socket or two needed to be bolted back on. I got lucky on a Yachtsman and a Gourmet last year for cheap but it was purely luck and willing to jump through hoops to secure them. I might of had a second 22 if I had been willing to ditch the in-laws and run out the door immediately. Of course they decided to leave like 20 minutes later and the kettle was gone by then. :p

It just seems like it has all gotten so competitive to add to the collection. Sometimes you have to get lucky enough to see it within minutes AND that no one else is going to play funny business with the seller by upbidding you or telling the seller "its worth SO MUCH MORE MONEY". This year has kinda been a drought for me because I always seem to be a few minutes late and/or the seem to pop up when I have no chance to get away.

