Thoughts on the ROMAN Pork Puller


Bob F

New member
Hey everyone,

Has anyone tried the ROMAN pork puller. In concept it sounds great....pulls your b utt in 10 seconds. However, I tend to really go through my pork and pull out any excess fat (and separate the fat cap). Has anyone used this puller and thought it just left too much fat in their 'Que?

MORE POWER ! ! A chance to bring your drill into the kitchen and not have to fix something.

Anyways, my two forks work just fine. And like Bob says, I like to extract the extra fat, etc that was left behind in the cook.

Besides, my wife likes to help in the cook so she gets to pull some too!
I got a pair of the bear paws or claws or whatever you call them and they work pretty good. Speeds up the process a good bit and still allows you to remove that fat that always manages to make it through the cook. I also remove the fat cap on butts before cooking.
I have read they work pretty good but you need to pull a lot of pulled pork to make it worth while. I have tried the forks and the bear paws but the best thing I like to use is insulated rubber gloves and the best tools God gave us, our hands.
I love my bear claws. And I'm not sure I want to bring my drill into the kitchen. I know where the drills been,and I wouldn't consider that "good eats!".

Maybe I can talk Pammi Sue into a "kitchen drill". Yeah,that's the ticket!

