Thoughts on gator? Tails or ribs?


Mike Bustillo

New member
I don't know where I got this wild idea to do it, but I found a seafood shop here in St. Petersburg that has alligator meat for sale. I've had gator plenty of times before, but it has always been fried or as little "gator nuggets". Got family coming into town this weekend and I'd like to do some on the grill/barbecue. I don't know exactly what the shop has (I've only looked online), but they claim to have gator.

Any thoughts on whether to get "tail" meat or ribs? How about ideas for cooking? I read that gator can be substituted for most any chicken or fish. I saw another place online that would ship gator tenderloins, which sound great, but it is expensive.
I tried some barbecued alligator ribs on Bourbon St in New Orleans years ago. I can honestly say they were the worst things I have ever tried to eat. Tough, chewy with a very strong fishy taste. Nasty is the best way I can describe it. On the other hand I've had fried alligator tail that taste like chicken. Consider yourself warned.

